
Showing posts from June 20, 2021

(NPR) Zoom'd Out Workplace Ready For Face-To-Face Conversations To Return

Zoom'd Out Workplace Ready For Face-To-Face Conversations To Return The Coronavirus Crisis Zoom'd Out Workplace Ready For Face-To-Face Conversations To Return Before the pandemic, the Janelia Research Campus was a hive of collaboration. Now, as researchers return to their offices and labs, they're eager to restore the connections lost this past year.

12 dead in Alabama due to Claudette, including 10 children|||12 dead in Alabama due to Claudette, including 10 children (LATEST)

12 dead in Alabama due to Claudette, including 10 children Nation Jun 20 12 dead in Alabama due to Claudette, including 10 children By Russ Bynum, Kevin McGill, Associated Press

Libyan guards accused of sexually assaulting minors|||Fatherhood, addiction and recovery: an Indigenous man’s story from Canada’s Yellowknife (LATEST)

Libyan guards accused of sexually assaulting minors World Jun 20 Libyan guards accused of sexually assaulting minors By Samy Magdy, Renata Brito, Associated Press

12 dead in Alabama due to Claudette, including 10 children|||12 dead in Alabama due to Claudette, including 10 children (LATEST)

12 dead in Alabama due to Claudette, including 10 children Nation Jun 20 12 dead in Alabama due to Claudette, including 10 children By Russ Bynum, Kevin McGill, Associated Press

(NPR) The Record Temperatures Enveloping The West Are Not Your Average Heat Wave

The Record Temperatures Enveloping The West Are Not Your Average Heat Wave class="imagewrap has-source-dimensions" data-crop-type="wide" style=" --source-width: 5539; --source-height: 3121; " > This record-setting heat wave's remarkable power, reach, and unusually early appearance is giving meteorologists yet more cause for concern about extreme weather in an era of climate change. Patrick T. Fallon/AFP via Getty Images hide caption toggle caption Patrick T. Fallon/AFP via Getty Images ...

Libyan guards accused of sexually assaulting minors|||US sends Taiwan 2.5 million vaccine doses, tripling pledge (LATEST)

Libyan guards accused of sexually assaulting minors World Jun 20 Libyan guards accused of sexually assaulting minors By Samy Magdy, Renata Brito, Associated Press

(NPR) Overdose Deaths Rose During The War On Drugs, But Efforts To Reduce Them Face Backlash

Overdose Deaths Rose During The War On Drugs, But Efforts To Reduce Them Face Backlash class="imagewrap has-source-dimensions" data-crop-type="wide" style=" --source-width: 2577; --source-height: 1449; " > Naloxone is one of the harm reduction methods that's gained more widespread acceptance in the United States. The medication reverses deadly overdoses caused by opioids such as fentanyl and heroin. Brian Mann/NPR hide caption toggle caption Brian Mann/NPR ...

US sends Taiwan 2.5 million vaccine doses, tripling pledge|||US sends Taiwan 2.5 million vaccine doses, tripling pledge (LATEST)

US sends Taiwan 2.5 million vaccine doses, tripling pledge Health Jun 20 US sends Taiwan 2.5 million vaccine doses, tripling pledge By Associated Press

Diplomats meet in Vienna for more Iran nuclear talks|||Diplomats meet in Vienna for more Iran nuclear talks (LATEST)

Diplomats meet in Vienna for more Iran nuclear talks World Jun 20 Diplomats meet in Vienna for more Iran nuclear talks By Kirsten Grieshaber, Philipp Jenne, Associated Press

(NPR) Unpaid Caregivers Were Already Struggling. It's Only Gotten Worse During The Pandemic

Unpaid Caregivers Were Already Struggling. It's Only Gotten Worse During The Pandemic Shots - Health News Unpaid Caregivers Were Already Struggling. It's Only Gotten Worse During The Pandemic A new CDC study finds that people who provide unpaid care for their children or adult loved ones are twice as likely as noncaregivers to have experienced depression or anxiety, or thoughts of suicide.

(NPR) Separated At The Border, A Father Reunites With His Son. But Struggles Remain

Separated At The Border, A Father Reunites With His Son. But Struggles Remain Latin America Separated At The Border, A Father Reunites With His Son. But Struggles Remain Nestor was 11 when he and his dad, Melvin, left El Salvador and crossed into Texas in 2018. They were separated for over two months, split apart by the Trump administration's zero-tolerance policy.